Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A new Book I read

So I will admit, I hate strongly dislike reading.  I guess I just don't really have a lot of free time, and with a toddler running around, it is really hard to find time to actually sit down, have silence, and be able to concentrate on what I am trying to read.  But a few months ago I was in Walmart, and saw a display that was full of brightly colored yellow books.  I was interested, and went over to see what it was.  The book was called "Heaven is for real".  Being a christian, I was definately interested in the title, but reality quickly snapped in, and my crazy very hyper toddler was running in the other direction, and it was time to catch her. I thought about getting the book several times, but quickly would tell myself "you don't have time to read it, why bother.".  Well, I was visiting my mom, and she had it.  I sat down while she was playing with my girl and started reading.  "OMG how horrible what these people had to go through".  I felt so sorry for them, and instantly was glued to the book and could not put it down.  Every word I read was so amazing to me.  This little boy REALLY did get to see what heaven was like.  His discription of Heaven was even more than I could ever imagine, but at the same time, was exactly what I always hoped it was like.  I finished the book today, *I just started it yesterday by the way*.  It was such an interesting book, and I am so glad I was able to read it.  I really also think it helped to strengthen my faith in God even more.  I really do not see how anyone could read that book, and not believe.  I know God has done some VERY wonderful things in my life, and this book helped prove to me exactly how loving of a Father he really is.  Even when it may feel like He is not there, or not listening.  He is.  He ALWAYS is.  I know I have struggled with that, but also am trying to just "give everything up to Him and trust His plan"...although I know that is much easier to say than it is to always do!!!

In all, I would DEFINATELY reccommend this book to any person I would ever meet.  It is such an amazing story, and people really should read it.  My prayers go out to this family for all they have had to go through, and I am pretty sure their story has not only changed their lives, but also thousands of others who took the time to read their story.  It is absolutely amazing, and I know it will stick with me for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the review.
    I love reading.
    I will go get this book soon!!

